Adding videos to your publication

Available_in Silver Gold ENT

In the hotspot editor, you can also add videos to your online publication and have them play either inside the page's content or in a popup window after clicking on a hotspot. The videos can be uploaded to Publitas, or you can use the link to the video on the Youtube or Vimeo platforms.

Adding a video to your online publication:

  1. Open the hotspot editor by clicking on Add hotspot in the main window of Publitas.
  2. Select the Video option from the left menu, or hit V on your keyboard, and draw the clickable area that should trigger or load the video.
  3. Upload your video (MP4) or paste the share link obtained from YouTube or Vimeo.
  4. Select whether the video should play in a popup window (Hotspot) it should playback as part of the page (Embed)  or appear as animated content with limited controls (Animated content).

    In case you uploaded an MP4 video to Publitas:
  5. You can enable the video to start playing automatically. If the video is embedded, the sound will be muted by default.
  6. For embedded videos, you can hide the thumbnail image. This allows you to add a call to action of your own in the design of the page. TIP: Do not use this option when autoplay is active, as enabling the thumbnail allows for the video to start automatically.

A preview of the video should now show beneath the share link. As changes are stored in real-time, you can view the end result by clicking on Preview.

TIPs and Guidelines

  • When uploading an MP4 video we recommend using a maximum resolution of 1080p to ensure performance across all devices.
  • Added videos do not appear in the PDF downloaded from the Reader's menu. If the PDF download option is active in the Reader's menu, consider adding a still preview of the video in the PDF. The still will be hidden behind the interactive video and will only be seen in the downloaded PDF.
  • Both YouTube and Vimeo provide a way to share a video starting at a selected place in the timeline.
    • To copy a YouTube link with a timestamp, right-click on the YouTube video and select “Copy video URL at the current time”. 
    • To copy a Vimeo link with a timestamp, click the Share button, click on the URL in the link field, and select the checkbox at "Start video" that appears below the link. Enter the start time and proceed to copy the link in the Link field.



    Setting up a Video hotspot:                                                 Additional options for MP4 uploads    044                                          045

On desktop, embedded videos play on top of the page's content:

On mobile, embedded videos play on a black background: