Configuring UTM parameters to be added to all links

Available_in ENT EARLY ACCESS-1

EARLY ACCESS: If you're interested in using this feature and you're on the Enterprise plan, feel free to reach out to your success manager who will activate this for you.


In this article:

When to use UTM parameters

Online publications can contain links to external websites. Adding UTM parameters to these links can help external websites to identify individual publications and even what content was clicked.

If the publication is an extension of your website, the UTM parameters can help identify the source of traffic that is coming from the publications. For example:

  • utm_source=Publitas
  • utm_medium=catalog
  • utm_campaign=blackfriday2022
  • utm_content=layle-tee-xs-blue

Click here to learn more about UTM parameters.

When NOT to use UTM parameters

When the publication is embedded on the website that each link points to, or if both are tracked in the same Google Analytics property through a cross-domain tracking configuration, we recommend checking out the article on how to report the conversion rate of your online publications.

How to configure the UTM parameters

Configure the UTM parameters in the URLs tab of the Publication Reader menu. Whenever a link is clicked in an online publication, the selected UTM parameters are automatically appended to the URL. This includes Link hotspots, Product hotspots, and the Home button in the menu (External content hotspots do not support this feature).

Click Save & Update Viewer to apply the changes to all publications within the selected group. 

Configuring UTM parameters:


When applying UTM parameters, the utm_source should always be present. That is why this parameter is enabled by default, the other parameters are optional. Enter the name that should reflect as the source in your reports.
When activated, this option overwrites any utm_source parameter that already exists in the original URLs.


Enter the name that should reflect the medium in your reports. 
When activated, this option overwrites any utm_medium parameter that already exists in the original URLs.


The publication's URL name will be used for every link as the campaign name.
When activated, this option overwrites any utm_campaign parameter existing in the original URLs.


This parameter will only be appended when a Product hotspot triggers the link an external website. The product title will be used as the value for this parameter, converting all characters to lower cases and spaces will be replaced with dashes (e.g. 'Layle Tee XS Blue' becomes 'layle-tee-xs-blue').
When activated, this option overwrites any utm_content parameter that already exists in the original URLs.