EARLY ACCESS: Reach out to to your Success Manager if you're interested in optimizing your content in a data-driven manner.
In this article:
- Definition of a redirect test
- How to set up a redirect test
- What URLs to communicate
- Do's and don'ts
- Analyzing redirect test results
What is a redirect test?
A redirect test is a type of A/B test that allows you to test different publication designs against each other. By continuously testing and learning from different variants, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your content and improve its effectiveness.
How to set up a redirect test within Publitas
To take advantage of redirect testing in Publitas, follow these steps:
- Request enabling the redirect testing feature: Contact your Publitas representative or support team and ask them to enable the redirect testing feature for your account. Once it's enabled, you'll be able to access this powerful functionality.
- Create two or more versions of your publication (original + variant(s)): When setting up a redirect test, it's crucial to have two distinct versions of your publication. Make sure to give them different names to make it easier to track the results.
- Navigate to redirect testing in the group menu: Click on the three dots next to your group name to navigate to the redirect testing page
- Set up the test publications: Add the original publication and at least one variant publication.
- Configure the timings of your redirect test: You can select the timing for when your test needs to run. The timezone used is the one set in your group settings. Press 'Save'. That's it!
IMPORTANT: You can only do redirect testing with publications in the same group.
Once the test is set to go live you will see it moves from the 'Pending' section to the 'Running' section. And when complete to 'Complete' section. From the Running phase you'll be able to access the data by selecting the bar chart icon.
Publishing your publication from which the test will run
The URL you need to publish is the same as the original publication URL. You can find it in the 'Share' button in the redirect page of a pending test, or directly as you usually do on the publication list 'Share' button. No changes here - it's the same link!
If you are using the group URL, the latest online publication will be automatically published, so ensure that your original publication for the AB test is that last one to go online.
What link to share in your marketing campaigns?
Continue to share the same link you use on your site, so be it the original publication URL, or the group URL if that is what you use.
What status to place your publications on?
We recommend moving or scheduling the original publication URL to go 'public' for the start of the test, and the variant to remain on unlisted so it does not get tracked by search engines but it still a live live for part of the audience to be able to access during the test.
Be aware of if you have any API automation in place based on publication status to ensure no surprises! Any doubts here please raise with your point of contact at Publitas.
Do's and don'ts
✅ Do:
- Plan your redirect test: Before conducting a redirect test, use a sheet or template. Using a sheet will help prevent misalignment regarding the test's outcomes. Use a provided sheet or create your own as an example.
- Track publication traffic on your site: Make sure you have an analytics tool enabled. Learn how to enable GA4.
❌ Don't:
- Overcomplicate your tests. Stick to one change at a time, making interpreting the results easier and drawing meaningful insights.
- Neglect the significance of publication opens. By executing the same test in multiple publications, you can gather more data and validate the impact of your variations across different audiences.
Analyzing redirect test results
Read more here about comparing one publication's performance with another or two others. A great way to view results from the test:
Or a more manual process can be:
- Gathering the captured data. The data is captured in Publitas. It includes the data for all the views where you shared the source & original (if different, i.e. source is the website link where the publication is embedded) publication URL. It does not include the data for any other non-owned channels i.e. affiliate network that also promotes your content. To access it follow these easy steps:
- Head to the redirect page
- Click on a completed test
- Select the version to view the statistics from
- Compare the performance. Compare the performance of version A and version B across the selected metrics. Look for any significant differences or patterns that indicate which variant performed better. What you look out for will depend on what you are testing.
- Say you changed the cover design or the product CTAs are bigger, then you will look at bounce rate and CTR and CTR/page but not average engagement time, as these design changes would not affect that. Adding more rich media for example, however, probably would!
- You want to understand the performance of your products in each variant - look out for the number of views and then, from there the click-through onto your side (or in the basket directly if you have a shopping integration in place). Note that
if a product or link hotspot appears several times in the same publication, all views are logged but aggregated under the first-page number where they appear.
- Conclude. Based on the analysis, conclude the effectiveness of the tested variations.
- Iterate and refine. Use the insights from the redirect test to plan a new redirect and apply the learnings to create more impactful content.