Use Custom code injection
Follow the steps detailed in How to Install Your Hotjar Tracking Code. You can add Hotjar's tracking code to the publications using the Custom code injection tool.
To install for a specific publication, click on ••• next to the publication, then select Settings. Open the Advanced settings tab to find the Custom code injection field.
To install for all publications in a group, click on Publication Reader under the group's options. Go to the Advanced settings to find the Custom code injection field.
Use Google Tag Manager
You can also use Google Tag Manager to apply the required tracking code to the publications.
Once you have connected Google Tag Manager to Publitas, follow the instructions at Hotjar Tracking Code tag from within Google Tag Manager.
Related guides for more information
Hotjar and Single Page Applications (SPAs) > The default setting for detecting URL changes "Track changes automatically, excluding fragments" should work for Publitas