Exporting publications to PDF

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Export your publication to PDF, including the hotspots available in the publication.

Page-jump hotspot will be converted to document links in the PDF.

Hyperlinks will be created for all:

NOTE: Videos and slideshows added through the publication's Editor will not be included in the exported PDF.

Exporting a publication to PDF:


Exporting to PDF

  1. Click on the title of the publication (or select ••• > Settings)
  2. Open the PDF Exports tab
  3. Click on Create new Export
  4. [Optional] Enter the export's filename
  5. [Optional] Add additional URL parameters, which will be appended to all hyperlink exported to PDF (e.g. tracking parameters)
  6. Click on Generate Export
  7. Once the export is generated, click on Download

TIP: You can export the same publications multiple times to, for example, create PDFs with different tracking parameters appended to the URLs.