Publitas interactive - Product feeds

With a product feed, you connect directly to your database and use the products from there in the interactive layers; no more manual product inputs! 

Adding your feed

To add a feed all you need is an online hosted .CSV file with at least the three following required columns: ID, Product name, and Product URL.

  1. Open the Integrations page and click on the product feed
  2. Click on "+ Feed"
  3. Now you can link your feed

You can change or add the following options:

  • Update: Change the frequency of the automatic sync
  • Auto product detection: Select if you want the ability to auto-detect products 
  • Headers: Fill in to read password-protected feeds with authentication headers

Mapping the fields

All you need to do in this step is link the correct fields to those matching in your feed.

It is important to add the correct language to your feed. Especially if you want to use Multiple languages. Read more about multilingual feeds here. 

CleanShot 2024-02-08 at 12.35.53