Publitas interactive - How to publish as VAST and VPAID

VPAID (VAST 4.0) (video only)


A VAST tag is an ad script generated by ad servers that allows ad servers to communicate with video players. More specifically, a VAST tag is a piece of code — an XML markup schema — placed on a publisher’s website to display ads.

The tag contains the requirements of the ad, such as the type of ad or dimensions of the ad, which guarantee that the video ad will play as expected. See further VAST tag examples below.


VPAID stands for Video Player-Ad Interface Definition. VPAID is a common interface between video players and ad units, enabling a rich interactive in-stream ad experience.

VPAID creatives render in a publisher's in-stream video player, and typically involve video content. One important ability of VPAID creatives is that they can pause or mute the publisher's video player and bring up their own content, including interactive options.


How to create a VAST tag?

  1. Open a random video in our Studio
  2. Go to the Publish tab
  3. Open the VAST/VPAID tab
  4. Grab your MP4 location URL (this can be from an Ad server or from your own domain)
  5. Paste it in the video link field in the Spott Studio
  6. Copy the generated VAST url tag and test it out!

Test your VAST Tag:

  1. Open a random IMA HTML5 player, for example, Google's Video Suite Inspector
  2. Select input type "VAST tag"
  3. Paste the Spott VastTag URL inside the "Input Field"
  4. Press "Test Ad"
  5. Celebrate!