Publitas interactive - Custom domain setup


With this feature, you can have the interactive content on your own domain, such as

1. DNS Setup

You can do the setup in 2 ways, with CNAME record validation or TXT record validation

    1. CNAME
      • Go to your DNS provider
      • Set up a new CNAME record pointing to
        • Record type: CNAME
        • Host:
        • Value/Pointing to:
        • TTL:  Leave as default
    2. TXT
      • Go to your DNS provider
      • Set up a new TXT record with value spott-verification=YOUR_TENANT_ID (if you don't know your tenant ID, please submit a support ticket)
        • Record type: TXT
        • Content: spott-verification=YOUR_TENANT_ID

Here are some helpful guides of the most popular DNS providers:


2. Link your custom domain on Spott

  • Go to integrations > custom domain
  • Enter the domain that you have set up in step 1.  If you configured it correctly, the "Save" button will become active.

    Note that the first time you try out your new CNAME URL, it can take a few minutes to fully set up to generate a valid SSL certificate.


3. Check setup

You can navigate to your new domain; when you visit the domain, you will get a success message:

''Congratulations! Your CNAME has been set up correctly. You can now generate an embed code or a share URL with your own domain''

If the setup is done, your custom domain will be used in the shared url:

  • Open a project
  • Press the publish button
  • Check if the Share url contains your domain