Publitas interactive - Create layer templates

In the studio, you can find 25+ different interactive layers with default settings. You can customize the different templates to your brand and style and save them for later use. Once done, you can add these templates on other media and just change the content (if needed).

There are 2 ways to create custom templates:

1. Create a custom template in the studio       

  • Go to the Studio and select the Layer tab

  • Press the '+ Add' button to create a new template. Select the type of interactive layer you want to customize

  • Give your new template a name

  • Customize the layer to your brand and style

  • Once you exit this template editor, the template will be added and saved automatically
  • In the studio, you can find your own templates in the "My templates" section (under the System templates) or just search for the name. Drag it on the content that you want to make interactive.

2. Save a layer as a template 

  • On the project page, start a new project or open an existing project
  • Add media that you want to make interactive and add an interactive layer
  • Customize the elements to fit your brand and style
    • Note: you can use product placeholders in templates. Fe if you need a template with a product description/price you can use:
      Now available for {price}euro!
      When the template is used, and a product is linked, Spott will replace the placeholders with the real product data. All feed columns can be used like this with the placeholder symbols {xxx}

  • At the bottom of the left bar, next to the publish button, you will find a 'save as template' option. Press it to save the adapted layer to your templates
  • Give your new template a name
  • In the studio, you can find your own templates in the "My template" section (under the Spott templates) or just search for the name. Drag it on the content that you want to make interactive
  • On the template page, you can find the template and edit it again.