Remove background in product images

Available_in ENT EARLY ACCESS-1

EARLY ACCESS: If you're interested in using this feature and you're on the Enterprise plan, feel free to reach out to your success manager who will activate this for you.


Remove white (or other) background from your product feed images to create eye-catching designs and combine images for a more inspirational look with a single click! How? Use built-in background removal tool within dynamic product hotspots.




How to remove the image background:

  1. Create a dynamic product hotspot with the product that you'd like to show in your publication.
  2. Tick the Remove background checkbox and observe the results.

Tips and tricks

  • Take page design into consideration. Sometimes product images may not fit the page design even without the background, as the design can be overly complex or the page color may match the product color.
  • Use themes to unlock different use-cases. Without a background, product image can be shown just by itself using custom product themes, which is quite handy for promoting multiple products together and more.