Publitas & GDPR

We have ensured that Publitas does not act as a processor of your reader’s personal data in the sense of the GDPR. This means we do not set any cookies when your readers are viewing your content (the only exception being a session cookie when looking at a password-protected publication) and process no personal data other than the IP address (which is only stored temporarily, in an isolated system for security purposes). Our internal analytical system has been designed with privacy in mind and has never relied on cookies or other online identifiers.

Privacy policy for your readers

At Publication Reader > Menu items, you can activate the Privacy Policy button, which you can link to your own Privacy policy. In most cases, your website's privacy policy will also cover your online publications without modification. 

Privacy Policy option at "Publication Reader > Menu items":

Consent for Google Analytics tracking

If you’ve connected a Google Analytics property to your Publitas account, you’re able to ask your readers for consent for your usage of Google Analytics. This option can be found in the group's Settings > Google Analytics menu. Only when consent has been given will the Google Analytics tracker be enabled on your account. Without consent from the end user, the Google Analytics tracker will be disabled.

Cookie consent option in the group's "Settings > Google Analytics" menu: