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  2. Publication Analytics
  3. Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)

[UA] Why does Google Analytics not show any results?

⚠️ Universal Analytics no longer processes data for standard GA accounts.
For GA360 accounts, data will stop processing on July 1, 2024.
Make sure you connect your publications to GA4 to avoid losing data.


In case the reports in Google Analytics show no results, here are a few steps that can help you troubleshoot this:

  • Ensure the integration with Google Analytics is set up correctly: Check out the article about Setting up Google Analytics to see if all steps have been completed successfully.
  • Wait 24 hours after the integration has been set up: If you have set up the integration today, the first results will show in the reports tomorrow. To find out if the connection is successful, you can open one of the online publications in your browser and check the Real Time > Overview report in Google Analytics to see if your session is reported.
  • Double-check whether you've selected the right property: To select the correct property, click on the dropdown menu at the top left corner of the Google Analytics interface and look up the tracking ID number that matches the one submitted in Publitas. In Publitas, you can find the connected tracking ID by clicking on the three dots in the top-left corner (•••), selecting the 'Settings' option and opening the 'Google Analytics' tab.
  • Select a date range that contains data: At the top right corner in Google Analytics, you can select the date range.
  • Look for any filters that might exclude the numbers you are looking for. Make sure that no Segments are selected that might limit the results of your report. You can select the default segment "All Users" if you did not mean to filter the data. If this does not resolve the issue, double-check whether filters are active on the account, property, and/or view levels (click here for more information about filters).
  • Noticeable drop in hotspot clicks in 2020 between July 8 and October 15. During this period, an issue prevented hotspots from being tracked on mobile (click here to learn about reporting hotspot clicks). You can check out the website's referral reports to find out how much traffic was sent to your website.

If Google Analytics still has no result, please contact support@publitas.com for further assistance.